Friday, February 17, 2012

Update: Model Expo and the Micro-Precision Table Saw from Preac Tool Company

Just as an update to our Preac Saw post,  I'm heading up to New York on Monday to chat with Arlene about  manufacturing the saw on their behalf - our way of continuing the Preac legacy. 
I'll let you know what the results are after my trip! Wish me (us) luck!

Many of you may remember the Micro-Precision Table Saw from Preac Tool Company - a great saw from a great company! Ask any modeler who owns one--There is no other modelers tool on the market that enjoys such popularity. Professional Modelers, Museum Shops, and Amateurs the world over own "A Preac"!

Unfortunately, Charlie Files (the owner of Preac Tool Company) passed away recently and, as a result, the manufacturing and support of their line of precision tools stopped - we're looking to bring this historical saw (and their other tools) back to market, stay tuned!


  1. So I had a great trip - very productive! Now comes the fun part - lots of work to do. We will be researching what it takes (in terms of cost/resources) to manufacture the saw - have to hydrojet aluminum, source motors, etc. If it's feasible, we will get into production - stay tuned!

    1. Hi Eric,
      What ever happened to that project?
      Preac Saw?
      I have three.
      I have modified them.
      Charlie Files was a personal friend.
      I can be of help if you like.
      Jerry G (Glickstein)

  2. Unfortunately, it was a no-go - it didn't make fiscal sense, just couldn't get it done...
